Dear Friends,


I am in for the fight of my life.

Some of you may know that I have kidney disease. In my thirties, I was diagnosed with interstitial nephritis while I was serving in the US Army.

Interstitial nephritis is a kidney condition characterized by swelling in between the kidney tubules and surrounding structures.  This swelling reduces the kidneys’ ability to filter properly. As a result, waste and extra fluid buildup in the body.

This disorder can cause problems with the heart, brain, lungs, and other organs. 

For more than 4 years I have been living with this disease and in May 2021, I was diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure.  My condition is deteriorating very fast, and my kidneys do not work well enough to keep me alive or live a normal life.  I’m only 40 years old, I have many long and beautiful years ahead, but my two failing kidneys will not take me there.

This is what I am facing now, and my treatment options are limited to dialysis treatments or a kidney transplant.

Getting regular dialysis treatment is NOT a cure for my kidney disease, but just a temporary solution to keep me alive.  Instead, a kidney transplant is the only solution that would offer me more freedom and the ability to live a longer, healthier and normal life.

Finding a kidney for a transplant is not easy, though.  The average wait time is five years or more for a kidney from a deceased donor.  Time is not on my side.

However, there is another option.  Someone who knows how to see through the eyes of the heart to grant me this gift:  a living kidney donor.

A living kidney donation typically lasts longer and has better function. I just need someone  (preferably with O blood, but any other blood type works too), in good health and with a desire to save a life.

The possibility of living donation may not be something you’re familiar with – I know I didn’t know anything about it before kidney disease affected my life.  Understandably, some people are afraid of surgery and what living with one kidney will mean for them.

Here are some basic facts about kidney donation:

  • You only need one kidney to live a long, healthy life.
  • Most donor surgery is done laparoscopically, meaning through tiny incisions.
  • The recuperation period is usually fairly quick, generally two weeks.
  • The cost of your evaluation and surgery will be covered by my insurance. The hospital can give you extensive information on this.
  • You will have a separate team of healthcare professionals to evaluate you as a living donor. Their job is to help you understand the risks and benefits and look out for YOUR best interests.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If donating a kidney to me is something you would like to consider, I would be happy to tell you more and explore the process further.

I am currently listed at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Transplant Program.  If you have the desire to save a life, you can contact me via email or by phone # 857-258-7634.

Alternatively, you can also contact my transplant center directly at:

MGH kidney transplant program: 877-644-2860
MGH kidney donor program: 617-643-7193
MGH kidney donor program website:

They are there to answer your questions and help possible donors make an informed decision.  You can also learn more about living donation on the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) website: or call 855.NKF.CARES (855.653.2273) or  If you want to talk to someone who’s already donated a kidney, NKF can also help.

Save One Person. Save The World.

Thank you,

Aleksander Pallko


Po ju përcjellim një histori vuajtjeje, por edhe shprese. Po ju përcjellim një shembull, se si njerëzit bashkohen të frymëzuar nga dashuria e Perëndisë dhe dhurojnë shpresë e mbështetje për njërin nga vëllezërit tanë, për njërin prej nesh. Ajo që ai kërkon prej jush, është përhapja e fjalës, derisa të gjendet një person që është i gatshëm të dhurojë njërën veshkë, një njeri që është i gatshëm të shpëtojë një jetë. Për më shumë detaje dhe informacion, lexoni fjalët e tij më poshtë.

Aleks' Story
Aleks' Story

Aleks needs our help reaching out to potential living kidney donors. His is a story of personal hardship and hope. It is a story of people coming together, inspired by the love of God, and giving hope and support to one of our brothers – one of our own. For more details and information, you can read his full story below.

Kidney Transplant Program
Kidney Transplant Program

A pioneer in organ transplant since 1963, the Kidney Transplant Program at the Massachusetts General Hospital Transplant Center. Our expert surgeons have performed more than 3,000 kidney transplants and have achieved some of the best graft and patient survival rates in the country.

Take a first step towards becoming a living kidney donor
Take a first step towards becoming a living kidney donor

Interested? Take a BREEZE TRANSPLANT™ online health history questionnaire to detect any medical conditions that may affect your ability to be a living donor. This questionnaire is confidential. Only health professionals on the Living Donor Team will use this information. This information will not be shared with the transplant candidate or others.